5 Common Pitch Deck Mistakes Killing Your Fundraising Efforts : VC Review

5 Common Pitch Deck Mistakes Killing Your Fundraising Efforts : VC Review

Are you finding it difficult to get investor meetings? Perhaps you’ve put your pitch deck on Docsend where you get to see exactly what slide potential investors hit the close button.

The truth is, even the most passionate founders can make mistakes in their pitch decks, unintentionally derailing their fundraising efforts.

That’s why we created Score My Deck. It’s also why I’ve spent the last few months sourcing material and looking into insights from veterans like Brendan Baker (VC at Ridge Ventures). to shed light on these common mistakes.

With deep insights from Brendan's experience guiding thousands of founders and reviewing countless pitch decks, we'll equip you with actionable insights to craft a compelling narrative that secures those coveted investor meetings.

So, grab your laptop and let's dive into the top 5 pitch deck pitfalls Brendan uncovers:

1. The Feature Frenzy: Ditch the Bullet Points, Craft a Story Arc!

Imagine an investor meeting filled with monotonous bullet points listing features and functionalities. Yawn, right? Investors crave a story – a captivating narrative that captures their attention and gets them excited to speak with you.

"Think of your pitch deck as a series of story arcs," advises Brendan. Each arc, spanning a few slides, tackles a specific aspect of your journey. You might have an arc highlighting the problem you solve, another showcasing your solution, and a final one demonstrating early traction. By weaving these arcs together, you create a cohesive story that resonates with investors.

2. Investor Blind Spot: Speak Their Language, Not Yours!

Founders often get caught up in the intricate details of their business. But investors aren't there to understand every technical nuance.

They're looking for companies that address a significant opportunity and have the right team to capitalize on it.

"Investors live at a different wavelength," Brendan explains. "They're constantly evaluating how the world is changing and where that creates opportunities." Your pitch deck needs to bridge this gap. Instead of dwelling on technical specs, focus on highlighting the broader trends propelling your business forward.

3. Logic vs. Emotion: The Power of Excitement!

Let's face it, early-stage ventures present a calculated risk. Investors understand that. However, solely relying on a logical presentation of facts and figures misses a crucial element: excitement.

"A great pitch deck doesn't just inform, it ignites," says Brendan. "Investors are looking for companies that have the potential to be truly transformative. " Infuse your pitch with elements that generate excitement about your vision.

Show the impact you'll create, the market you'll disrupt, and the groundbreaking problem you'll solve.

4. The Credibility Trap: Embrace Your Uniqueness!

Founders often fall into the trap of trying to appear overly credible. They list impressive credentials and qualifications, hoping to validate their expertise.

While credibility holds value, it shouldn't come at the expense of what truly sets you apart.

"Don't be afraid to be specific and unique," Brendan emphasizes. Instead of generic industry terms, use clear, concise language that paints a vivid picture of your company's niche.

Highlight what makes your team exceptional – the unique experiences and perspectives that fuel your innovation.

5. Less is More: Cut the Clutter, Sharpen Your Focus!

Packing your pitch deck with every conceivable detail might seem like a good idea – after all, you want to showcase everything your company can do, right? Wrong.

An overloaded deck overwhelms investors and distracts them from the core message.

"Perfection in a pitch deck often comes from subtraction," Brendan says. Ruthlessly cut any information that doesn't directly contribute to your core message.

Focus on the essential elements that paint a clear picture of the problem you solve, your solution, the market opportunity, and the team's capability to execute.

Mastering the Art of the Pitch Deck

Crafting a winning pitch deck is an art form, and Brendan Baker's insights provide a valuable roadmap.

By incorporating these actionable tips, you can transform your pitch deck from a static document into a dynamic narrative that excites investors and secures those VC meetings you’ve previously struggled to get.

Remember, Score My Deck supports you on your fundraising journey. Our platform offers personalized pitch deck reviews, investor recommendations, and expert advice to help you tell your story and close that pre/seed funding round!